Calgary Transit On-Demand
Calgary Transit On-Demand
The availability of public transportation in a community can be a make-or-break decision for many people when considering where they want to purchase a home. For those who are currently residing in the new north communities of Livingston or Carrington, this availability just improved.
On August 9th, 2019, the City of Calgary officially launched the On-Demand Transit pilot project in Livingston. This one-year trial program provides residents with the opportunity to call for a city-ran vehicle to pick them up and take them to the nearest transportation hub (the North Pointe Transit Hub). This will be a shared transportation service which means that there may be up to five customers in the vehicle at one time.
This is a one-year pilot project to help the City of Calgary assess the demand for public transportation in these new communities.
How Does It Work?
In order to utilize this service, you will first have to download the free ‘Calgary Transit On Demand’ app. Once this is completed, you will be able to sign into the app and enter your starting location and destination (these areas must be within the Carrington, Livingston or North Pointe area that is shown in the app). You can then select the date and time you want to schedule the ride for and provide any applicable rider information such as how many people need a ride, and if you require a wheelchair accessible vehicle. The app will notify you of the estimated times for pick-up and arrival at your destination, however these are estimates only. You will receive a text message when your ride is close, and in order to ensure the service runs smoothly the driver will wait no longer than two minutes at the pick-up location. It is important to note that rides can be scheduled up to three days in advance, or as quick as 15-30 minutes before you need to leave.
Hours of Service
This on-demand transportation service will only be available during the following hours
· Monday to Friday: 5:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
- Saturday: 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
- Sundays and holidays: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
The cost to use this service is the exact same as the Calgary Transit Fares (listed below) and is subject to change. If you are catching a ride from either Carrington or Livingston to the North Pointe Transit Hub, the driver can also give you a transfer so you can then board a Calgary Transit bus to complete your trip to where you need to go to from there.
- $3.40 per adult (ages 18+)
- $2.35 per youth (ages 6-17) and full-time high school students ages 18 – 21 with school ID.
- Free for children age five and under
Pick-up and Drop-off Locations
In both Carrington and Livingston, the app will provide a pick-up location that is no further than 400 metres from your current location. The North Pointe station will have to pick-up and drop-off locations, as noted on the map below.
For more information on this program, please visit our new Livingston showhomes or visit the Calgary Transit website.
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